Wednesday, June 29, 2005

President Bush: Man of Faith

"Just as America is divided into two parties — Republicans and Democrats — so too, the Muslim world is divided into two parties — terrorists and non-terrorists."

The above is from a State Department report I found near the White House shredder. Just by reading that line, I find it so much easier to understand the world.

The mission of America is to work with non-terrorists, wherever they might be.

President Bush discovered that there were literally hundreds and perhaps thousands of non-terrorists living in Iraq under the iron fist of the ultra-terrorist, Saddam Hussein.

Freeing those many non-terrorists from the clutches of the myriad terrorists has been the primary goal of this administration.

Although many Democrats criticize President Bush for tying Saddam Hussein to 9/11, the fact is according to files in Vice-President Cheney's office that Saddam was also responsible for the attack on Pearl Harbor and was a close associate of Mark Felt. Documents do not lie.


In his speech at Fort Bragg, President Bush displayed amazing courage by stating that he will continue to sacrifice American troops as long as necessary because fighting the Iraqi insurgency is "worth it."

Because the President is a man of God, he has faith that America will ultimately triumph. And faith is all that any president needs.

I heard that President Bush has lately been comparing himself to Job. How appropriate!

Currently, God is testing our President by bringing on the biggest terrorist attack in American history, by allowing the President to humiliate himself with his "Mission Accomplished" address, by letting thousands of American troops die in Iraq, by letting his popularity numbers drop.

As long as President Bush stays the course and continues to have faith in God, God will reward him. I'm certain President Bush's popularity numbers will again rise. What could be more rewarding?


Blogger Chris said...

You got to be kidding me, are you really a White House intern?

"Just as America is divided into two parties — Republicans and Democrats — so too, the Muslim world is divided into two parties — terrorists and non-terrorists."

Please tell me that you really didn't find that, please.

I like this site. I love the humor.

You do a great job.

3:07 PM  
Blogger ChrissyLou said...

Just like the white house... trying to tie things up with a pretty bow. They totally left out the independents and those who only have "terrorist tendancies" but are not totally committed to the terrorist or non terrorist procol!

3:49 PM  

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