Thursday, August 04, 2005

Postcard from Crawford

One of the great traditions of the George Bush administration is that every time President Bush goes on vacation, he sends the interns a postcard that we place on our bulletin board. The picture on the card generally contains a cow, cowboy or both.

We just received our 50th postcard from a very thoughtful president.

Here's what he wrote:

Deer inturns,
It sure is relaxin being away from all that war and terror goings-on. I'm keepin my mind active though. Played 6 games of checkers in an hour against my secret service agent and won them all. I jest don't understand how I never can beat Laura. See you all in 5 or 6 weeks. Don't start any wars without me. Ha ha.
Your president,
George W. Bush
P.S. If Dick Cheney tries touchin anything in the Oval Office, jest shoo him away.

I love you President Bush (in an avuncular way).


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